Name of Department : Botany (Plant Science)
Year of Establishment :2014
Name of Programme :UG (Bachelor of Sciences) B.Sc. Botany
Number of Teaching Post Sanctioned : 01
Number of Teaching post Filled : 01
Programme Objectives
- Know the importance and scope of the discipline.
- Inculcate interest in and love of nature with its myriad living forms.
- Impart knowledge of Science as the basic objective of Education.
- Create a scientific attitude to make students open-minded, critical and curious.
- Develop the ability to work hard and make students fit for society.
- Expose students to the diversity amongst life forms.
- Develop skill in practical work, experiments, equipments and laboratory use along with collection and interpretation of biological materials and data.
- Make them aware of natural resources and environment and the importance of conserving it.
- Develop the ability for the application of acquired knowledge in various fields of life so as tomake our country self-sufficient.
- Appreciate and apply ethical principles to biological science research and studies.
Programme Outcomes
PO1. Knowledge and understanding of : 1.The range of plant diversity interms of structure, functionand environmental relationships. 2. The evaluation of plant diversity. 3. Plant classification and the flora of Maharashtra. 4. The role of plants in the functioning of the global ecosystem. 5. A selection of more specialized, optional topics. 6. Statistics as applied to biological data.
PO2. Intellectual skills–able to : 1. Think logically and organize tasks into a structured form. 2.Assimilate knowledge and ideas based on wide reading and through the internet. 3. Transfer of appropriate knowledge and methods from one topic to another within the subject. 4. Understand the evolving state of knowledge in a rapidly developing field. 5. Construct and test hypothesis. 6. Plan, conduct and write a report on an independent term project.
PO3. Practical skills : Students learn to carry out practical work, in the field and in the laboratory, with minimal risk. They gain introductory experience in applying each of the following skills and gain greater proficiency in a selection of them depending on their choice of optional modules. 1. Interpreting plant morphology and anatomy. 2. Plant identification. 3. Vegetation analysis techniques. 4. A range of physiochemical analyses of plant materials in the context of plant physiology and biochemistry. 5. Analyze data using appropriate statistical methods and computer packages. 6. Plant pathology to be added for sharing of field and lab data obtained.
PO4. Transferable skills : 1. Use of IT (word-processing, use of internet, statistical packages and databases). 2. Communication of scientific ideas in writingand orally. 3. Abilityto workas part of a team. 4. Ability to use library resources. 5. Time management. 6. Career planning.
PO5. Scientific Knowledge : Apply the knowledge of basic science, life sciences and fundamental process of plants to study and analyze any plant form.
PO6. Problem analysis : Identify the taxonomic positionof plants, formulate the research literature, and analyze non reported plants with substantiated conclusions using first principles and methods of nomenclature and classification in Botany.
PO7. Design/development of solutions : Design solutions from medicinal plants for health problems, disorders and disease of human beings and estimate the phytochemical content of plants which meet the specified needs to appropriate consideration for the public health.
PO8. Conduct investigations of complex problems : Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and development ofthe information to provide valid conclusions.
PO9. Modern tool usage : Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,and modern instruments and equipments for Biochemical estimation, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Plant Tissue culture experiments, cellular and physiological activities of plants with an understanding of the application and limitations.
PO10. The Botanist and society : Apply reasoninginformed by the contextual knowledge to assess plant diversity, its importance for society, health, safety, legal and environmental issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the biodiversity conservation practice.
PO11. Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of the plant diversity in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO12. Ethics : Apply ethical principles and commit to environmental ethics and responsibilities and norms of the biodiversity conservation.
PO13. Individual and team work : Function effectively as anindividual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO14. Communication : Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO15. Project management and finance : Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principlesandapplythesetoone’s own work, asa member andleaderin ateam, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO16. Life-long learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and abilityto engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Scheme for choice based credit system in B.Sc. with Botany (Annual Pattern)
Ist Year |
Cours Opted | Course Name | Course Code | Credits |
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course |
i) Environmental Sciences
ii) English/Hindi/SKT |
2X4=8 |
DSC-IABiodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Archegoniates)
DSC-IB Plant Ecology and Taxonomy
DSC-IA Biodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Archegoniates) Lab
DSC-IB Plant Ecology and Taxonomy |
BOTA102 |
2 |
IInd Year |
DSC-IA Plant Anatomy and Embryology
DSC-IB Plant Physiology and Metabolism
DSC-IA Plant Anatomy and Embryology (Lab)
DSC-IB Plant Physiology and Metabolism (Lab) |
BOTA202 |
2 |
Skill enhancement courses (SEC)-I
Skill enhancement courses (SEC)-II
Skill enhancement courses (SEC) –I
Skill enhancement courses (SEC) -II |
1. Biofertilizers
2. Gardening and Floriculture
3.Medicinal Botany and Ethnobotany
4. Mushroom Cultivation Technology |
BOTA307 |
4 |
IIIrd Year |
Skill enhancement courses (SEC) –I
Skill enhancement courses (SEC) -II |
3. Medicinal Botany and Ethnobotany
4. Mushroom Cultivation Technology |
BOTA307 |
4 |
Discipline specific elective DSE
Discipline specific elective DSE : Practical |
DSEIAEconomic Botany & Biotechnology
Analytical Techniques in Plant Sciences
Cell and Molecular Biology
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Economic Botany & Biotechnology (Lab)
Analytical Techniques in Plant Sciences (Lab)
DSEIBCell and Molecular Biology (Lab)
Bioinformatics (Lab)
Genetics and Plant Breeding (Lab) |
BOTA305 |
2 |
- English shall be the medium of instruction and examination.
- Examinations shall be conducted at the end of each semester as per the Academic Calendar notified by Himachal Pradesh University.
- Each course will carry 100 marks and will have following components
1. Theory Paper End-Semester examination 50 Marks
2. Practicals 20 Marks
3. Internal Assessment 30 Marks
Theory Paper + Practicals + Internal Assessment (50+20+ 30) =100 marks
Distribution of Internal Assessment /CCA:
- Class Attendance = 5 Marks
- Class test to be taken on completion of 40% syllabus by the class teacher = 5 Marks
- House test to be taken on completion of 75 % of Syllabus = 10 Marks
- Assignment, tutorials, general behavior of students = 10 Marks
Marks for Class attendance
75% but < 80% 1 marks
80% but <85% 2 marks
85 but <90% 3 marks
90% but < 95% 4 marks
95% To 100% 5 marks
Scheme of Examination for every course (Core Course, Discipline Specific Elective Course, Generic Elective Course):
End Semester Examination 50 Marks Time 3 hrs
Practical for every course 20 Marks Time 3 hrs
Internal Assessment 30 Marks
Skill Enhancement Course & Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course: 100 Marks
Skill Enhancement Course = 100 Marks (Theory 70 + CCA 30)
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course:
1. Environment Science = 100 Marks
2. English/Hindi/SKT= 100
Marks (Theory 70 + CCA30)
Course Outcome
Sr. No. | Name of Course | Course Code | Course Outcome |
1 |
Biodiversity (Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Archegoniate) |
BOTA101 |
•The students will develop understanding about the diversity, identification, classification and economic importance of plants
•Understand the life cycle pattern of Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes and vascular plants. |
2 |
Plant Ecology and Taxonomy |
BOTA102 |
•Acquaint with the aims, objectives and significance of taxonomy.
•Identify the common species of plants growing in Kerala and their systematic position.
•Develop inductive and deductive reasoning ability.
•Understand plant communities and ecological adaptations in plants. |
3 |
Plant Anatomy and Embryology |
BOTA201 |
•Understand the scope and importance of Anatomy and embryology.
•Know the methods of pollination and fertilization.
•Know fertilization, endospermandembryogeny.
•Know various tissue systems
•Understand the normal and anomalous secondary growth in plants and their causes.
•Perform the techniques in anatomy. |
4 |
Plant Physiology and Metabolism |
BOTA202 |
•Know importance and scope of plant physiology.
•Understand the Biochemical nature of cell.
•Structure and general features of enzymes.
•Concept of enzyme activity and enzyme inhibition.
•Learn about the movement of sap and absorption of water in plant body.
•Understand the plant movements. |
5 |
Economic Botany & Biotechnology |
BOTA301 |
•Students are prepared for a plant biotechnology with the help of basics in plant science.
•Understand the fundamentals of Recombinant DNA Technology.
•Understand the principle and basic protocols for Plant Tissue Culture.
•Understand the role plants in human welfare.
•Gain knowledge about various plants of economic use.
•Know importance of plants & plant products.
•Understand the chemical contents of the plant products.
•Know about the utility of plant resources. |
6 |
Analytical Techniques in Plant Sciences |
BOTA302 |
•Know the details of Microscopy-Principles of light microscopy, electron microscopy (TEM and SEM).
•Understand & perform Chromatography and cultural techniques in Botany.
•Understand the methods used in Micrometry, Microtomyand Microphotography. |
7 |
Cell and Molecular Biology |
BOTA303 |
•Understand the ultrastructure and functioning of cell in the sub-microscopic and molecular level.
•Get an idea of origin, concept of continuity and complexity of life activities.
•Familiarization of life processes.
•Understand the basic and scientific aspect of diversity.
•Understand the cytological aspects of growth and development.
•Understand DNA as the basis of heredity and variation. |
8 |
Bioinformatics |
BOTA304 |
•Learn the phylogenetic analysis molecular evolution.
•Studied the application of Bio informatics in Drug designing.
•Learning of basic principles of application, ICT Technology in biological studies &
•Learning skills and software used for biological research & process understanding |
9 |
Genetics and Plant Breeding |
BOTA305 |
•Understand the biochemical nature of nucleic acids, their role in living systems, experimental evidences to prove DNA as a genetic material.
•Understand the process of synthesis of proteins and role of genetic code in polypeptide formation. |
10 |
Biofertilizer |
BOTA203 |
•Understand the importance of biofertilizers.
•Know different types, masspropagation and application of different biofertilzers. |
11 |
Gardening and Floriculture |
BOTA203 |
•Understand the importance of horticulture in human welfare.
•Understand the propagation and cultural practices of useful vegetable, fruit and garden plants.
•Understand the impact of modern technologies in biology on horticultural plants.
•Understand the basic concepts of landscaping and garden designing.
•Inculcate interest in landscaping, gardening and flower and fruit culture. |
12 |
Medicinal Botany and Ethnobotany |
BOTA203 |
•Knowledge of Indian system of medicine with regard to medicinal plants.
•Acquiring skills in identification, cultivation and preservation of medicinal plants.
•Isolation, identification, characteristics of active principles in medicinal plants used by different ethno groups & drug
•Formulations. |
13 |
Mushroom Cultivation Technology |
BOTA203 |
•Understand the importance and scope of Mushroom cultivation.
•Understand the life cycle of mushrooms.
•Know the different types of cultivated, wild edible and poisonous mushrooms.
•Know the method of cultivation of mushrooms.