Anti Ragging

Ragging is strictly prohibited in and outside the college as per Hon’ble Supreme Court Orders date 04- 05-2001, 15-05-2007 and 11-02-2009; and notification no. 1-14/HPU/DSW/08/306 Dated 10-072008 of the Himachal Pradesh University. Ragging is an offence punishable under Act Himachal Pradesh Educational Institution Ordinance 2009. An An-Raging Counselling Cell for De-addiction and Grievances Redressal Cell has also been constituted in the college to promptly redress the genuine grievances of students.

Under the H.P. Government ordinance of 2009 any student found guilty of ragging will be imprisoned for a term which may extend for the three years or fine or both.

Any student found involved in Ragging will be punished appropriately which may include.

  • Imprisonment, fine or both
  • Expulsion from the College
  • Suspension from the College
  • Fine with public apology
  • Withholding scholarships or other benefits
  • Debarring from the representation in sports/cultural events
  • Suspension or Expulsion from Hostel or Mess
  • Legal proceeding under criminal law by lodging FIR

Discipline, Anti Ragging Committee/Squad:-

Name Designation Contact No.
Dr. Romesh Chander Convener 8219142412
Mr. Jeet Ram Member 9459772052
Dr. Sakshi Rana Member 9418600670
Dr. Ram Singh Member 7018127646
Dr. Dinesh Singh Member 9459959261
Prof. Preeti Thakur Member 7807626079
Prof. Jyoti Bala Member 9418339365
Prof. Ram Kumar Member 9103950109